
Apines zobārstniecības klīnikas komanda

For trusted oral healthcare, choose Apines Clinic professionals

Experienced, certified dentists and hygienists work in the clinic, who offer both high-quality basic dental treatment and oral aesthetic procedures.

Our dentists do what they love and love what they do

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Māra Valdmane - zobārsts, sertificēts zobu protēzists
Mara Valdmane
Certified dental prosthetist

Mara Valdmane graduated from the Faculty of Dentistry of Riga Stradins University, followed by a residency at the Faculty of Dental Prosthetics. Mara regularly studies and attends professional courses to learn all about the latest technologies and modern treatment methods. She has attended professional courses both in Europe and beyond its borders. She also enthusiastically attends practical seminars and conferences.

In dental prosthetics, Mara is passionate about two areas – improving aesthetics with dental veneers and dental implants.

For Dr. Valdmane it is important that the patient is informed and understands the course of treatment. By carefully explaining everything and analysing the possible treatment plans, it is possible to fulfil the wishes of every patient.

The greatest satisfaction comes from cooperation with colleagues, because team work is the key to successful result.

Mara spends most of her time in the clinic, working with patients, however, with the same inspiration, Mara tries to inform the public about the importance of dental health in social networks in order to fulfil her goal of healthy teeth for Latvian children.

With great pleasure Mara enjoys both trips to warm countries and skiing adventures.

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Rūta Egļukalne-Sūna - zobārsts
Ruta Eglukalne-Suna
Dentist, specializes in prosthetics, implantology

Ruta Eglukalne-Suna obtained her higher education at the Faculty of Stomatology of Riga Stradins University. She started her career in medicine as a dental nurse, but soon realised her desire to help patients as a dentist as well. She has not regretted her choice for a moment, because, as Ruta herself says, dentistry is her true calling.

Ruta’s strengths are therapeutic dental treatment and dental prosthetics.

With her kind attitude and warm smile, Ruta is able to work even with the most fearful patients. Ruta has very high demands for her dental work, so that it lasts as long as possible and looks great. Ruta’s greatest satisfaction comes from giving her patient a beautiful and bright smile!

Ruta likes to spend her free time with her family traveling.

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Inga Arnava - protēzists, implantologs
Inga Arnava
Dentist, specializes in prosthetics, implantology

Inga Arnava graduated from the Faculty of Stomatology of Riga Stradins University and has been working in the field of dentistry for ten years. Inga’s strength is the ability to provide her patient with treatment from A to Z. Starting with the smallest filling, ending with implant placement, prosthetics and smile orthodontic correction with teeth straightening system – aligners.

Her favorite part of dentistry is surgery and prosthetics. The doctor performs all the procedures during a daily visit and under intravenous sedation for more fearful patients or during more extensive surgical manipulations.

With her work experience and genuine sincerity, Inga is beloved by colleagues and her patients.

Inga Arnava regularly expands her professional knowledge and abilities at conferences and courses in Germany, Portugal, Switzerland and other countries around the world.

Inga prefers to spend her time outside of work with her family and gardening.

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Ineta Zommere - zobu endodontists, zobārsts
Ineta Zommere
Dentist, specializing in endodontics

Ineta Zommere has been a certified dentist since 2010, having studied at the Stomatology Faculty of RSU.

Ineta’s forte is endodontics (root canal treatment), which she performs with particular care under the control of a microscope. It is very important for her that each patient understands the treatment process and feels safe. When necessary, the doctor also performs root canal treatment under full anaesthesia and sedation.

Ineta raises her qualifications by attending dental courses and seminars on regular basis.

Ineta says that she works in a profession that brings her fulfilment, satisfaction and great, great joy for what she has done.

In her spare time, Ineta is interested in astrology and handcrafts. Likes to go for long walks with the family.

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Sandra Trautmane - zobārsts
Sandra Trautmane
Certified general dentist

Sandra Trautmane was born in Venezuela, where she graduated from the Faculty of Dentistry in 1999. Shortly after finishing her studies she started training young students in the field of prosthetics.

Sandra has been practicing in Latvia since 2005 and she calls Latvia her home.

Her strengths are dental therapeutic treatment, dental prosthetics. Her kindness and warmth allows her to get along with children as well.

She loves her job and every patient can feel it when they encounter Sandra’s sincerity and kindness.

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Marina Titova - zobārsts, bērnu zobārsts
Marina Titova
Dentist, works with children

Marina Titova took her first steps in dentistry 10 years ago, when she graduated from the Stomatology Faculty of RSU.

Marina is full of kindness and sincerity and it is no surprise that she devotes a large part of her work to children’s dentistry. Marina performs her work with the highest precision and responsibility, is patient and warm, especially taking care of her younger patients.

Her knowledge is regularly updated by attending international congresses, courses and seminars.

Marina also treats her patiehnts under general anesthesia, sedation and with a help of laughing gas, if needed.

Marina likes to spend her free time with her family and dog.

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Ilze Prikule - zobu ķirurgs, implantolgs
Ilze Prikule
Certified Maxillofacial Surgeon

Dr. Ilze Prikule obtained a doctor’s diploma at the Faculty of Medicine of Riga Stradins University, as well as a certificate of oral, facial and maxillofacial surgeon. Currently, Ilze continues her doctoral studies at Riga Stradins University.

Ilze has also interned in clinics in Germany – Bochum and Rostock.

Helping people has been her mission since childhood. With her smile and irresistible charisma, Ilze is able to get along with both adult patients and children.

Ilze’s range of skills includes not only therapeutic treatment of teeth, but also complex surgical manipulations and extractions. Ilze has been in our clinic for several years, she has become a real comrade in arms and an integral colleague in the clinic’s team.

In her free time, Ilze looks for fresh air in nature, Ilze especially likes her native Latgale, where she goes on frequent holidays with her family.

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Žanete Petruņina - bērnu zobārsts
Zanete Petrunina
Dentist, works with children

Zanete Petrunina graduated from Riga Stradins University, Faculty of Stomatology. She has taken an irreplaceable place in the clinic as one of the most helpful and friendly colleagues.

Zanete works mostly in children dentistry, because she is incredibly successful in persuading and finding common ground with even the youngest of her patients. Her creative tales and encouraging words accompany every step of the treatment. Her smile and warm personality are the reason why children come to her with joy and leave the office smiling.

For the most fearful patients, both children and adults, Zanete treats teeth under full anesthesia, sedation, as well as with laughing gas.

Outside of work Zanete enjoys traveling and equestrian sports.

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Auguste Alekse - zobārsts
Auguste Skumbina
Certified general dentist

Auguste Skumbina has graduated from the Faculty of Stomatology at Riga Stradins University. Auguste chose dentistry because helping others has been important to her since early childhood. Auguste is always cheerful and smiling, so it seemed obvious to her that the art of smile would also become a part of her daily life.

Auguste prefers to work with adult patients, therapeutic treatment is her speciality and she also performs root canal treatment.  Her bright personality disarms the heart of even the most fearful patient.

Auguste’s other passion after dentistry is traveling!

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Zanda Buldure - zobārsts, specializējas endodontijā
Zanda Buldure
Certified general dentist

Zanda Buldure graduated from the Faculty of Dentistry of Riga Stradins University.

Mastery with dental composite and her skills and patience with root canal treatment are her strengths. One of her favorite jobs is aesthetic restoration of teeth with composite.

Professional courses and training are Zanda’s daily routine, as she is convinced that progress and technology is the key of of modern dentistry.

Zanda’s hobbies are hiking and cooking.

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Jeļena Serdceva - zobārsts
Jelena Serdceva
Certified general dentist

Jelena Serdceva graduated from Riga Stradins University, Faculty of Stomatology.

Jelena specializes in therapeutic dental treatment for adults and children. Jelena is very kind and affectionate, so she gets along very well with even the youngest patients. Jelena explains the course of treatment step by step, so that the patient feels safe and is informed about each stage of treatment.

Jelena spends her free time with her family in nature.

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Karīna Daškeviča - zobārsts
Karina Daskevica
Certified general dentist

Karina Daskevica graduated from Riga Stradins University, Faculty of Stomatology and has been working in her profession for more than five years.

When working with patients, Karina is very thorough and professional, which is highly valued by her patients. Careful examination, calmness and her treatment style makes you feel almost like in a dental SPA procedure.

On a daily basis she prefers to work with dental therapy and root canal treatment.

Karina spends her time outside of work with her family.

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Anete Salmiņa - zobārsts
Anete Salmina
Certified general dentist

Anete Salmina graduated from Riga Stradins University, Faculty of Stomatology.

Anete specializes in a therapeutic dentistry and endodontics (root canal treatment). Anete’s care and kind smile disarms even the youngest and most fearful patients. She carefully examines each patient, develops a treatment plan and performs the treatment with a care and patience.

In her spare time Anete’s passion is folk dancing.

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Silva Ķude - zobārsts
Silva Kude
Certified general dentist

Silva Kude graduated from the Faculty of Stomatology of Riga Stradin University. Silva mainly deals with dental therapy for adults and also provides teeth straightening with orthodontic aligners. Another strength of Silva is aesthetic composite sealing – improving both the aesthetics of the smile and restorating the anatomical shape of the tooth without much intervention.

Silva continues to passionately improve her knowledge and skills both in Latvia and in Europe, taking part in various conferences and courses.

Outside of work Silva loves spending time together with her family in the nature and traveling around the world.

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Roberts Galanders - zobārsts, bērnu zobārsts
Roberts Galanders
Certified general dentist

Roberts Galanders graduated from Riga Stradins University, Faculty of Stomatology. The choice of a dentist’s career came to him early in childhood, so there was no doubt about the choice of studies when the time came.

Dentistry is Robert’s true calling, you can definitely feel it at a every visit, because he treats each of his patients with a special attention and care.

Continuing his education in various courses, Robert improves his skills and knowledge to provide the best possible treatment for his patients.

Robert’s specialty is therapeutic dental treatment. But he gets particularly nice reviews from parents, who are delighted with Robert’s sweet care and patience with their children.

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Jurģis Siliņš - zobārsts, implantologs
Jurgis Silins
Dentist, specializes in prosthetics

Jurgis Silins graduated from the Stomatology Faculty of Rigas Stradins University. Jurgis is a dentist in the fourth generation, so dentistry literally flows in his blood. Spending his childhood years in mother’s office, it was obvious that he would tie his future with dentistry. Jurgis takes dentistry very seriously, as a result of that he has always excelled in his studies.

Jurgis associates his future with dental prosthetics, so he constantly develops his knowledge in courses and seminars all over the world. Jurgis pays high attention to precision and he strightly follows exact protocols. Nothing excites him more than aesthetic dentistry with dental crowns and veneers.

His kind demeanor disarms even the most fearful patients.

As a hobby, Jurgis admits that he willingly reads the latest scientific articles and is also passionate about dental photography.

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Linards Lejiņš - zobu ķirurgs, implantologs
Linards Lejins
Maxillofacial Surgery Resident

Linards Lejins graduated from the Stomatology Faculty of Rigas Stradins University. Linard specializes in dental surgery and implantology, from tooth extractions, complex wisdom tooth extractions to bone augmentation and implantation.

After graduating from the Faculty of Stomatology, Linard continues his studies at the Faculty of Medicine to further his education in facial and maxillofacial surgery. Continuous improvement of knowledge in dentistry and dental implantology allows Linard to provide a successful treatment using the latest technologies and treatment methods.

In his free time Linard enjoys fishing and traveling.

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Sindija Rame - Zobārsts Bērnu zobārsts
Sindija Rame
Certified general dentist

Sindija Rame has graduated from the Faculty of Stomatology of Riga Stradins University. Sindija primarily deals with dental therapy for both large and small patients. Sindija is kind and sweet towards every patient, so she is able to work with even the most fearful patients.

However, if necessary, she also performs dental treatment under full anesthesia.

Sindija attends various courses and conferences to improve her professional and practical skills in the field.

She enjoys traveling and spending time with his family.

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Ilze Karmodī
Ilze Karmodi
Certified general dentist
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Ilze Žuravļova
Ilze Zuravlova
Certified general dentist
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Ali Al Jarrah
Certified general dentist
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Dr. Elīna Ilze Kronberga
Elina Ilze Kronberga
Certified child therapist
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Hardijs Rozenfelds: anesteziologs – reanimatologs
Hardijs Rozenfelds

In 1993, Hardijs Rozenfelds graduated from the Faculty of Pediatrics of the Latvian Medical Academy and obtained the qualification of an anesthesiologist – reanimatologist. From 2003 to 2013, he was also the head of the Department of Anesthesia at the Children’s Clinical University Hospital.

Meanwhile his work at Apines clinic, Hardy also works at the Children’s Clinical University Hospital.

An integral part of a doctor’s career is teaching students, where Hardijs is a favorite lecturer because of his good sense of humor.

Hardy regularly attends international congresses and expands his professional knowledge to ensure the safest treatment for his patients.

Not only among colleagues, but also among patients and child patients’ parents, he brings warmth, peace and a smile, because he literally radiates sincerity and humanity.

At the clinic, Hardijs provides a process of full anesthesia and sedation to make dental treatment and surgery possible even for the most fearful patients.

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Baiba Šulce
Zobu higiēnists
Baiba Sulce
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Gunita Priedīte - zobu higiēnists
Gunita Priedite

Gunita Priedite has been working as a dental hygienist for more than 15 years. She received her education at the School of Dental Hygienists of the Latvian Medical Academy. She gained additional knowledge and experience in post-graduate training courses of the Latvian Academy of Sciences and the Latvian Association of Dental Hygienists.

Gunita works meticulously and precisely with each patient, professionally performing complete oral hygiene, and also instructs patients on the best daily oral care at home.

Gunita uses both manual and mechanical dental hygiene tools and also performs teeth whitening procedure.

Gunita is passionate about horse riding and enjoys gardening.

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Rūta Zariņa - zobu higiēnists
Ruta Zarina

Ruta Zarina is a dental hygienist and has been working in this field for more than five years. Ruth’s experience in medicine began as a nurse, but she found her passion in dentistry. She takes dental health as seriously as general health, so Ruta will teach, train and recommend the most suitable dental care and care products for each patient individually.

When performing oral hygiene, Ruta uses both manual and mechanical tools, if necessary, she also uses a soda jet.

Ruta works carefully and passionately both with adult patients and with children.

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Elīna Krūziņa - zobu higiēnists, zobu balināšana
Elina Kruzina

Elina Kruzina is a dental hygienist with more than 8 years of experience. Her passion for her work is felt by every patient, because she works with special care and attention to detail. Elina can definitely be recommended to the most sensitive patients, because she performs the oral hygiene with special tenderness and attention. In order to offer patients the best treatment, Elina keeps up with the latest technologies, innovations and dental care products, so she will recommend the most appropriate home care to patients individually.

Elina uses both mechanical and hand tools, as well as soda jet.

As passionate as she is about dental hygiene, Elina advises and performs teeth whitening with the Philips Zoom system.

Her sweet smile and lovely voice makes it possible to work with both children and adults.

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Marta Jakobsone
Children hygienist
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Aiva Alksne - zobārsta asistents
Aiva Alksne
Dental Assistant
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Jana Kučerova - vecākais zobārsta asistents
Jana Kucerova
Dental Assistant
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Kristine Amtmane
Dental Assistant
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Linda Meisīte - vecākais zobārsta asistents
Linda Meisite
Dental Assistant
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Klaudija Klovane
Dental Assistant
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Ance Kalniņa - zobārsta asistents
Ance Kalnina
Sterilization nurse
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Mykyta Tiuliahin - zobārsta asistents
Mykyta Tiuliahin
Dental Assistant
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Sabīne Ļuta - zobārsta asistents
Sabine Luta
Dental Assistant
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Andris Adamovičs - zobārsta asistents
Andris Adamovics
Dental Assistant
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Sintija Pakalne – Finka
Dental Assistant
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Jūlija Zabrodina - zobārsta asistents
Julija Zabrodina
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Elizabete Domokejeva - zobārsta asistents
Elizabete Domokejeva
Dental Assistant
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Marija Jusova - sterilizācijas māsa
Marija Jusova
Dental Assistant
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Elīna Zajarska - vecākais zobārsta asistents
Elina Zajarska
Dental Assistant
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Sanita Ansone - sterilizācijas māsa
Sanita Ansone
Dental Assistant
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Mudite Tindenovska
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administratore Solvita
Solvita Apele
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Laura Ergle
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Inese Aleksane

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